Mr. Thrifty wants to share the core books in his library so that you, too, can develop your own thrifty strategies.
In Part I we cover the topic many of you are most interested in: Personal Finance.
These are classic books that make a good starter set for those interested in learning more about personal finance.
Stock Market Investing
For the Beginner
One Up On Wall Street
This is the first book that Mr. Thrifty read about stock market investing and gave him the framework to identify some of his best performing investments. This book may seem dated to some (does anyone have a quotron machine handy ?), but the insight into how legendary fund manager Peter Lynch identified investment opportunities is timeless.
Get Rich Carefully
Mr. Thrifty was an early contributor to Mad Money and retains a soft spot for its host, Jim Cramer. Don’t let Cramer’s over-the-top TV personality fool you: he is as smart as they come — a Harvard educated lawyer, Goldman Sachs grad and successful hedge fund manager — and his insight into the stock market is a valuable education tool.
For the Intermediate-Level Investor
Stocks for the Long Run
Jeremy Siegel, Finance Professor at Wharton, makes the compelling case for a long term buy and hold strategy and the power of dividends. The book is more academically oriented than books on the beginner list (Siegel is a Professor, after all !). The rational, long term view Siegel presents is a welcome change to the media hyperbole which accompanies the market’s current volatility. And, hey — Cramer’s a fan ! Enough said.
For the Finance Buff
The Intelligent Investor
Security Analysis
Warren Buffett has proven himself to be the best investor of our lifetime. So, how did he do it ? By learning from Benjamin Graham, the godfather of value investing. These books may unlock the key to his winning strategies (warning: as mentioned, for the finance buff only ! otherwise, these books may help cure your insomnia).
For the Snowbird
The Border Guide
This is the book Mr. Thrifty turned to many years ago before spending time in the U.S. Now in its 11th edition, it remains an essential resource for anyone spending meaningful time south of the border.
What’s On Your Finance Reading List ?
Mr. Thrifty’s passion for thriftiness is only matched by his passion for learning.
We welcome reader suggestions for additions to the reading list !